Research in Executive Search – the Supreme Discipline

What does a Researcher at an Executive Search company do?
Find out more about Lila Jami’s job as Head Research and the services her and her dynamic team deliver every day.
People make all the difference in a company. They shape the company culture and are crucial to success. This not only applies to our clients, but also to us. Our success and the success of our clients is heavily dependent on the services of our Research team, the beating heart of an Executive Search company. But what exactly does the role of a Researcher entail?
Lila Jami started working for the MPB Recruitment Group as a Junior Researcher in 2014 and was able to continue her development due to her competence and passion for Executive Search. She now works in her current role as Head Research, which involves providing peak performances alongside three other Researchers when it comes to looking for top candidates. Researchers are responsible for a crucial part of the assignment. They scan the entire target market in accordance with a defined methodology before compiling a list of target companies which they use in order to systematically search for a suitable candidate. The candidates are contacted following the identification process. The details of the vacancy are appealingly presented to the potential candidate during this initial phone conversation with the aim of awakening the candidate’s interest. This direct approach provides the Researcher with direct and personal access to the candidates while allowing them to contact people who are not actively searching for a job and who are not on any social media or job platforms. The Researcher simultaneously has the opportunity to compare the candidate’s profile with the job specifications in order to be able to carry out an initial assessment.
These skills are continuously being honed to the highest standards and adapted to the latest developments by Lila Jami and her team, who carry out a large extent of this work independently from social media platforms. This allows us to find the best specialists and management staff on the market before ultimately recruiting them for our clients.