A dream start thanks to targeted coaching
The employment contract has been signed.
Anna is looking forward to her new job and would like to prepare herself in the few weeks before her first day in her new role.
While her professional qualifications and personal strengths matched the position’s requirements during the recruitment process, her reflections didn’t stop when she signed the contract. On the contrary, she is now considering which of her characteristics or skills she can develop further to be well-prepared for the new task. Anna takes this matter to a Coach.

With the help of her Coach, Anna identifies all of her resources from her professional and private life as well as her studies and hobbies. “I’m either no longer aware of many of my strengths or I no longer apply them in a targeted manner”, Anna summarises. During her coaching, she develops an initial routine that involves being aware of her strengths and accessing them in certain situations. “With my full Resource Rucksack* I now feel excellently prepared. I’m certain that I will apply my rediscovered and reactivated skills in a targeted manner in my everyday work in order to familiarise myself quickly with the new task and to master challenging situations”.
In the meantime, Anna has completed her first few days at her new job and has already had a successful start. After several weeks, she reported that her full Resource Rucksack made it easier for her to get started. She said she is now more aware of her professional and personal strengths and how to best apply them in situations to generate the greatest possible added value for her and her new employer.
We wish Anna all the best in her future career.
*The Resource Rucksack coaching tool is based on the Moments of Excellence intervention and is used in neurolinguistic programming in a similar form. It utilises the fundamental idea of systemic coaching: Coachees already carry all of their resources (competencies, skills, strategies, solution ideas) within them.
Would you like to prepare for your new role, re-access forgotten competencies, skills, strategies and solution ideas and effectively apply your freshly packed Resources Rucksack with the professional support of an MPB coach?
Then get in touch with us.
We look forward to you and your dream start thanks to targeted coaching.
Feel free to contact us!